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    Fasting    : : What is Spiritual Fasting?
    Fasting    : : Is Fasting Relevant in a Covenant of Grace?
    Fasting    : : Fasting: Superficial or Supernatural?
    Fasting    : : Fast Unto the Lord, Not Unto Men

Fasting is a sacred and special sacrifice; it is for the Lord, not for human approval or notice. In Matthew 6:16-18, Jesus cautions those who choose to fast for human admiration and approval, "When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, Who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

Please understand the spirit of Jesus' message. He is not saying that absolutely no one should know when we are fasting. In fact, it is very important to have a trusted Christian friend or a network of Christian friends who can pray for you while you are fasting. Jesus is cautioning against fasting for the approval and notice of man, just as He cautions against giving for sheer spectacle.

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    Fasting    : : Who Fasted in the Bible?
    Fasting    : : Are There Different Kinds of Fasts?
    Fasting    : : How Do I Fast Unto the Lord in Today's World?
    Fasting    : : The Compassion of Jesus and the Purpose of this Fast
    Fasting    : : I'm Afraid to Fast!

Only through the strength of God and His direction are we truly able to fast in a way that is acceptable and pleasing to Him. He desires that we all experience a deep, abiding relationship that only comes from Him. This intimate walk with God requires faith not fear.

Perhaps you feel overwhelmed by or fearful of fasting. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Then, listen for His still, small voice. No matter in your life is unimportant to Him, and He will guide you. First, though, you have to silence the distractions that often crowd out your time with Him and compete with His voice.

Remember that a Christian spiritual fast is not a contest; you need not compare yourself or your experience to another. It's not the number of days that you fast or even the number of meals that you fast that matters; the Lord honors the act of humbling yourself in true repentance. He wants your heart, not your stomach!

Our faithful God will prepare you for the task that you have been called to. You have been chosen to be in an intimate relationship with Him. This time of feasting on the Word of God is meant to draw you to the feet of Jesus and there you will find the peace that passes understanding.

There is no reason to fear when God is leading, especially when that path leads you out of the darkness and uncertainty of this earthly life and directs you to His very presence and into the embrace of His awesome love. We should not fear this path, but anticipate it with joy and longing for every moment we have to spend with our most gracious Heavenly Father.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9)

"Offer right sacrifices and trust in the LORD." (Psalm 4:5)

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    Fasting    : : How Fasting Relates to the The Great Commandment

The Great Commandment, as Jesus replied to the Pharisees in Matthew 22:37-38 is to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself."

Fasting, as outlined in Isaiah 58, accomplishes both the first and second greatest commandments and also highlights the "true" fast (indicated by actions representative of Christ's character) as opposed to the "legalistic" fast (indicated by actions representative of arrogant, sinful, and unrepentant human hearts).

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    Fasting    : : True Fasting as Detailed in Isaiah 58
    Fasting    : : Isn't Fasting Practiced by Other Religions (and By Those with No Religion?)
Trumpet and Torch promotes only Christian spiritual fasting. Yes, other religions do fast, and yes, some people fast for purposes that have nothing to do with faith of any kind. While some may fast because their beliefs demand the discipline and others may fast for a variety of earthly reasons, Christians fast exclusively unto our Creator God, the Father of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As such, our fasting intentions and efforts are divinely blessed for"... the LORD looks at the heart" (reference 1 Samuel 16:7) and "...motives are weighed by the LORD" (reference Proverbs 16:2).
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    Fasting    : : Why Fast Now?
    Fasting    : : Corporate and Intercessory Fasting
    Fasting    : : 2008 Lenten Fast
    Fasting    : : I'm a Pastor; How Do I Get My Congregation Involved?
    Fasting    : : I'm a Parent; How Do I Include My Children in this 40-Day Journey?
    Fasting    : : Have Additional Questions, or Need More Information?
Should you have additional or specific questions about fasting, please e-mail us. We would welcome the opportunity to hear from you. May God bless your faithfulness!
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    Fasting    : : Have Additional Questions or Need More Information?
    Fasting    : : This is My First Fasting Experience; What Should I Expect?
Blessings to you for responding faithfully and obediently to the call to fast and pray! More than just a way to experience a spiritual breakthrough, fasting, in its purest sense, is honoring Holy God by setting aside every earthly encumbrance in order to prioritize Him above all else.
The most important thing is to seek the Lords will and His guidance for your fast. (See Psalm 16:7, 32:8; Isaiah 48:17, 58:11). Not everyone is called to fast in the same way, and, you may be called to modify your fast, especially during extended periods of fasting.

If the Lord calls you to something, He will supernaturally protect and sustain you. If youre doing it in your own strength, however, you do not necessarily have that same Divine covering. Some fleshly weakness is normal, but extreme distress is not.

Make an effort to discern the Lords call from the enemys lie, and recognize the Lords will from your own idea. Do not compare yourself to others; fasting is not a competition. Some may be called to fast only on water, some only on liquids, and some only on healthy solid foods. The Lord can impress any kind of combination of those upon your heart depending upon your particular situation and your particular needs. (Please see Are There Different Kinds of Fasts? in our FAQs as well as Meal Planning on our Family Time page.)

We encourage you to contact us to share your praise reports and prayer requests. Also, please contact us with any additional questions that you may have.

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    Fasting    : : Legalism and the Liquid Fast
    Fasting    : : I Feel So Weak! What Should I Do?
    Fasting     : : How to use this website for fasting and prayer
    Fasting    : : Recommended Books on Fasting and Revival
    The Process of Repentance     : : The Most Holy Week
In Passionate Pursuit of God:

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Part V

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    The Process of Repentance - The Most Holy Week   

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