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    Fasting    : : What is Spiritual Fasting?
    Fasting    : : Is Fasting Relevant in a Covenant of Grace?
    Fasting    : : Fasting: Superficial or Supernatural?
    Fasting    : : Fast Unto the Lord, Not Unto Men
    Fasting    : : Who Fasted in the Bible?
    Fasting    : : Are There Different Kinds of Fasts?
    Fasting    : : How Do I Fast Unto the Lord in Today's World?

Some wonder, "How do I fast while continuing to work, take care of my family, and just live life in general?" When you put the Lord first, He supernaturally and divinely orders your day so that you are able to accomplish the important things according to His will. The urgent no longer overshadows the important, and things that seemed pressing suddenly fall away, no longer significant in His great kingdom plan. This means that the Lord will give you the grace, energy, and sustenance to care for your essential responsibilities while you are fasting. Necessary work and caring for your family fits the category of "essential responsibilities". The key is to prioritize the Lord above all else, to seek His guidance in all things, and to trust Him every step of the way. You must also have the courage and obedience to forsake opportunities and tasks on your list if God's priorities prove different from yours.

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:8-9)

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    Fasting    : : The Compassion of Jesus and the Purpose of this Fast
    Fasting    : : I'm Afraid to Fast!
    Fasting    : : How Fasting Relates to the The Great Commandment
    Fasting    : : True Fasting as Detailed in Isaiah 58
    Fasting    : : Isn't Fasting Practiced by Other Religions (and By Those with No Religion?)
Trumpet and Torch promotes only Christian spiritual fasting. Yes, other religions do fast, and yes, some people fast for purposes that have nothing to do with faith of any kind. While some may fast because their beliefs demand the discipline and others may fast for a variety of earthly reasons, Christians fast exclusively unto our Creator God, the Father of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As such, our fasting intentions and efforts are divinely blessed for"... the LORD looks at the heart" (reference 1 Samuel 16:7) and "...motives are weighed by the LORD" (reference Proverbs 16:2).
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    Fasting    : : Why Fast Now?
    Fasting    : : Corporate and Intercessory Fasting
You may already be a disciplined and Spirit-filled Christian, but God's kingdom plan extends beyond individuals. Fasting is also an important intercessory tool, especially when done corporately. (Corporate fasting occurs when a body of believers fasts together; intercessory fasting is fasting on behalf of another.) Now, particularly, our nation's moral and spiritual landscape grows bleaker and weaker by the day. Corporate intercessory fasting, when accompanied by prayer, powerfully beseeches God to have mercy on this nation and throughout the world.
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    Fasting    : : 2008 Lenten Fast
    Fasting    : : I'm a Pastor; How Do I Get My Congregation Involved?
    Fasting    : : I'm a Parent; How Do I Include My Children in this 40-Day Journey?
    Fasting    : : Have Additional Questions, or Need More Information?
Should you have additional or specific questions about fasting, please e-mail us. We would welcome the opportunity to hear from you. May God bless your faithfulness!
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    Fasting    : : Have Additional Questions or Need More Information?
Should you have additional or specific questions about fasting, please e-mail us. We would welcome the opportunity to hear from you. May God bless your faithfulness!
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    Fasting    : : This is My First Fasting Experience; What Should I Expect?
    Fasting    : : Legalism and the Liquid Fast
    Fasting    : : I Feel So Weak! What Should I Do?
    Fasting     : : How to use this website for fasting and prayer
    Fasting    : : Recommended Books on Fasting and Revival
    The Process of Repentance     : : The Most Holy Week
    The Process of Repentance - The Most Holy Week   

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a 501(c)(3) Virginia Nonprofit Corporation