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EAT at the Table of the King

A 40-day meal-by-meal prayer and fasting journey to Renew Your Intimacy with God

"Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."

(Matthew 4:4)

This first, in a series of 40 day prayer and fasting devotional journeys, was birthed out of the author’s own first 40 day fasting experience.  Her personal journey revealed a divine process of feasting on the Word of God three times a day which helped to develop an insatiable appetite and disciplined lifestyle of total dependence upon the Lord.

The Lord's highest call for our lives is intimacy with Himself.  He extends an invitation to all His children to sit at His table each day and experience an extraordinary and unlimited feast which will nourish the new life He has given us and strengthen us for the task before us as we get up from the table and share His truth, grace, mercy, love and goodness with the world.

For the willing disciple this journey will change everything you know about fasting as you learn to feast on the Word of God and fall deeply in love all over again with the Savior and Sustainer of your soul.


This is an ONLINE JOURNEY to be accessed for FREE in our online Temple.

Simply click on the scroll button below to begin your journey.

If you would like a hard copy of this devotional journey please click on the Online Store scroll to ORDER your copy today.


May the Lord be your portion forever and your journey be richly blessed!


(c) 2007-2024 Trumpet and Torch Ministries, Inc., P.O. Box 5933 Williamsburg, VA 23188
a 501(c)(3) Virginia Nonprofit Corporation