 | Fasting | : : What is Spiritual Fasting? |
|  | In a purely traditional spiritual sense, fasting is abstaining from solid food for the purposes of mourning, repenting, and seeking the Lord's favor. In rare and radical cases, heroes of the Bible fasted food and liquids, including water. The Bible mentions many kinds fasts of throughout the Old and New Testaments.
If you trust the Lord for your time of fasting, He will lead you on the type of fast that He desires for your particular circumstances and needs. You may fast solid food for the entire 40 days; you may fast one meal a day; you may fast one day a week. Your journey will be unique and can not be compared to anyone else's experience. However, it is important to enter into this sacred time with the Lord earnestly and with a pure heart, hopefully anticipating the journey on which He will lead you. According to your faithfulness and willing spirit, the Lord will bless your intentions and sustain you during your fast.
Please understand that the fasting referred to throughout the Trumpet and Torch website is purely a spiritual discipline; no fasting references are intended for physical, medical, or other purposes. While we believe that the Lord will take you on the type of fast that He intends for you, we encourage you to seek medical guidance before beginning a fast, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or currently suffering an illness or disease.
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1).
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 | Fasting | : : Is Fasting Relevant in a Covenant of Grace? |
 | Fasting | : : Fasting: Superficial or Supernatural? |
| Fasting | : : Fast Unto the Lord, Not Unto Men |
|  | Fasting is a sacred and special sacrifice; it is for the Lord, not for human approval or notice. In Matthew 6:16-18, Jesus cautions those who choose to fast for human admiration and approval, "When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, Who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."
Please understand the spirit of Jesus' message. He is not saying that absolutely no one should know when we are fasting. In fact, it is very important to have a trusted Christian friend or a network of Christian friends who can pray for you while you are fasting. Jesus is cautioning against fasting for the approval and notice of man, just as He cautions against giving for sheer spectacle. looking to cheat redirect how to tell if wife has cheated
 | Fasting | : : Who Fasted in the Bible? |
 | Fasting | : : Are There Different Kinds of Fasts? |
 | Fasting | : : How Do I Fast Unto the Lord in Today's World? |
 | Fasting | : : The Compassion of Jesus and the Purpose of this Fast |
 | Fasting | : : I'm Afraid to Fast! |
 | Fasting | : : How Fasting Relates to the The Great Commandment |
 | Fasting | : : True Fasting as Detailed in Isaiah 58 |
 | Fasting | : : Isn't Fasting Practiced by Other Religions (and By Those with No Religion?) |
|  | Trumpet and Torch promotes only Christian spiritual fasting. Yes, other religions do fast, and yes, some people fast for purposes that have nothing to do with faith of any kind.
While some may fast because their beliefs demand the discipline and others may fast for a variety of earthly reasons, Christians fast exclusively unto our Creator God, the Father of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As such, our fasting intentions and efforts are divinely blessed for"... the LORD looks at the heart" (reference 1 Samuel 16:7) and "...motives are weighed by the LORD" (reference Proverbs 16:2).i think my husband cheated steveperks.com my husband cheated on me blog married woman wants cheat site what causes women to cheat
 | Fasting | : : Why Fast Now? |
 | Fasting | : : Corporate and Intercessory Fasting |
 | Fasting | : : 2008 Lenten Fast |
 | Fasting | : : I'm a Pastor; How Do I Get My Congregation Involved? |
 | Fasting | : : I'm a Parent; How Do I Include My Children in this 40-Day Journey? |
 | Fasting | : : Have Additional Questions, or Need More Information? |
 | Fasting | : : Have Additional Questions or Need More Information? |
 | Fasting | : : This is My First Fasting Experience; What Should I Expect? |
 | Fasting | : : Legalism and the Liquid Fast |
 | Fasting | : : I Feel So Weak! What Should I Do? |
 | Fasting | : : How to use this website for fasting and prayer |
 | Fasting | : : Recommended Books on Fasting and Revival |
 | The Process of Repentance | : : The Most Holy Week |
 | The Process of Repentance - The Most Holy Week | |