A 40-day meal-by-meal prayer and fasting journey to the Mountain of God

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the Wellspring of Life."  (Proverbs 4:23)

This second, in a series, of 40-day meal-by-meal fasting journeys, is a vital Next Step in experiencing the life of full devotion with the Lord He desires for all His children. 

Having our hearts opened and laid bare during our first 40 days  Eating at the Table of the King, we must be watchful and careful to guard our hearts and allow God complete access as He continues His refining and purifying process to transform us into a sanctified and useful vessel which can be poured out as a drink offering upon a dry and thirsty land in need of the love, grace, mercy, and salvation of God.
This is an ONLINE JOURNEY to be accessed for FREE in our online Temple.

Simply click on the scroll button below to begin your journey.

If you would like a hard copy of this devotional journey please click on the Online Store scroll to ORDER your copy today.


May your journey be richly blessed!